Wednesday, January 26, 2005

practice #3, 24/01/05

the most important thing about this practice is that it was technically The Hindujas, the band being simply Thom and I (grilly). Laur was in London with his autophagic pop group. Tom Foreman was on hand to donate jammy dodgers to our cause, and provide helpful comments. the other most important thing was that we asked him to join the band. we are now a four piece, officially, if not yet in practice.

as for the actual rehearsal, thom and i put some more cement on love, kid a top, that joke, all the time on sunny beach (with me drumming?), made more inroads into quinlank and pretty girls make cakes, and tossed about with thom's 9/8 song and my new riff with the twiddly metal bit in (proper names coming soon).


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